League Boundaries

WVLL encompasses all areas in West Vancouver as far as Lions Bay and includes Bowen Island.

League Boundaries

WVLL encompasses all areas in West Vancouver as far as Lions Bay and includes Bowen Island.

The player must live or attend school within this area to be eligible for WVLL. If your child does not meet those criteria, please contact us and we will help you find a Little League in your area.


Ambleside South
Ambleside Park
Bowen Island
Orchard Lane
Cypress Falls Park
Woodgreen Place
Eagle Harbour
5500 Block Marine Drive
Ed Anderson
Morven Drive
Hugo Ray Park
1290 Third Street
Pauline Johnson
1100 Block 22nd Street
1200 Block Mathers Avenue
Rick Genest
4300 Block Marine Drive

Batting Cage

Our batting cage is located at Rick Genest field. In order to book the batting cage you must have attended orientation and been given both electronic lock access (via iPhone or Android phone) and a login to the scheduling system. If you know all of that is in place you can go here to book batting cage time.

Book Cage Time

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